Saturday 11 September 2010

Digital Graphics

Photo Realism- This is basically where a game has images as close to reality as possible,e.g. if you were playing a game of football it would look like you were watching it on tv. Everything that you see would be as close to reality as possible and at no point would you look at the game and think it looks like a game. A famous game that has this is Gran Tourismo 5. Every car in this game has every detail that a car has in real life.

Cel Shading- This is the opposite of photorealism, it is where images in the game are made to look hand drawn, or to look like a cartoon. It is often done by having a black line around every object to make them stand out and to mimic a comic book sketch. Two games that include cel shading are The Legend of Zelda and Prince of Persia.

Exaggeration- This is where a character or object is exaggerated, not to look distorted but to show what they are doing, e.g. running fast, skipping, or showing how they are feeling, e.g. if the character is happy, they will shine, if the character is worried make it look frantic. Exaggeration is not just about characters and objects but also about choosing the right colours for emotions, and the sound can also be incorparated sometimes. A famous game that includes this is Pokemon.

Abstraction- This is where ideas from the real world are put into games and turned wierd and un-real into something that people have never seen before. Example siclude, Pokemon and Lemings.

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