Monday 6 September 2010

Dead Rising Box Art

This is good box art as it shows clearly the details of the zombies and how many of them you will be fighting. They are reaching out as if they are nearly touching you like you are getting pulled in. They are all facing and looking towards the person looking at the cover so it gives the appearance of you being in the game being attacked first person; it makes it seem that the main character is you so there is no need to show an alternative character. It shows two floors and an elevator so you’re shown you have got lots of space and straight away see that you are in a shopping centre. The name of the game is clearly shown without covering any crucial pictures of the area or the characters, while subtly having spots of blood on the corner of the title to show that the game will be gruesome. Also the main font of the title is good how it is all up and down in big block letters with a reflection underneath as if its hitting the floor. The artwork does a good job of selling the game because it shows exactly what is in the game and get’s the target audience interested which is mainly teens to 30 year olds. The one thing I would change about the artwork is that I would show a few weapons that you would be able to use.

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