Monday 6 September 2010

2D and 3D

What is 2D- This stands for two dimensional. This means they are flat images. You are given a hEIght and a width but no depth. These were firstly used due to not having the capability to create 3D games. They are typically used for mobile phone games portable devices e.g. gameboy, and old consoles e.g. playStation 1. The typical genres where 2D games are used are arcade, driving and fighting. Some 2D  games are:- Sonic the Hedgehog, Pac Man, Space Invaders, Mario, Streetfighter, Worms.

What is 3D- This stands for three dimensional. This means that you can go forward in the game instead of side to side and can peer round corners etc. This is used in modern consoles e.g. Xbox 360, Playstation3, and the PC because you need a powerful console to display 3D graphics. This generally is used in all game platforms allthough some games do like to stay in 2D, mostly arcade games. Some 3D games are:- Call of Duty, Gears of war, Forza 3, Grand Theft Auto IV, Final Fantasy XII.W

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